Services for international experts in the field of forest bioeconomy

Solutions for the sector of forest bioeconomy

Global Education Park Finland is a network that offers partnerships in creating educational excellence.


The forestry capital of europe

Joensuu, as the forestry capital of Europe, has a unique concentration of forest-based institutions, companies and educational and research facilities. With Joensuu being such a tight-knit community, all of the actors cooperate and work together towards achieving better results. Thus, support for your development work is guaranteed. Our services are flexibly tailored according to the customer’s individual needs.

Our key areas of expertise:

1. Forest data & management

  • Proficient knowledge in ecosystem services and utilising digitalisation for forest inventory
  • An interdisciplinary approach as a key principle

2. Wood procurement & supply chains

  • Mastering the entire production chain efficiently and ecologically
  • From wood harvesting and handling to logistic infrastructure and forest roads
  • The world’s largest forest machine manufacturer, John Deere, is located in Joensuu

3. Wood construction & bioenergy

  • Skilled wood construction is a key area of expertise and development in the region
  • Discover the secrets behind our iconic wooden buildings: Metla House, Joensuu Arena, Elli Lighthouse, and more!
  • Expertise in bio-economic sustainable energy solutions

4. Forest economics & policy

  • Understanding the analysis and economics of multiple-use forestry
  • In-depth knowledge of international forest governance and environmental policy
  • Understanding the co-management of natural resources

We are able to offer:

  • expert courses
  • visits
  • training

Here are some select examples of our services in the field of forest bioeconomy:

1. Natural resources management

  • Services designed for experts of the field
  • Consultancy services are offered to meet the demanding information needs
  • An aim is to discover the most effective solutions to advance our customers’ business
  • Solutions may include information system, data analysis and process development elements
  • Cost-efficient access to accurate and unbiased information requires solid knowledge on spatial data sources, powerful collection techniques and data analysis software
  • These services are offered by Arbonaut
  • Read more for the webpage of Arbonaut

2. Empowering Regional Development and Innovations (ERDI)

The secrets of efficient strategic regional planning

  • The international course is designed for the exchange students and professionals of the field
  • The course is arranged in the hub of bioeconomy, in the region of Joensuu city
  • An aim is to learn to understand the strategic regional planning and environmental management
  • The course includes three modules:
    • Innovation Ecosystem
    • Environmental Management
    • Connect the Dots Training
  • The study components can be chosen by each student individually.
  • Read more from the webpage of Karelia UAS

3. Bioeconomy – A Finnish reality show

How to get the best out of wood?

  • A visit program designed for professionals
  • The course provides an up-to-date overview of forest inventory to wood construction & materials
  • Chemistry as a tool for value-added bioproducts
  • Chemical industry federation of Finland
  • Innovation procurement in the city of Joensuu: wood construction, education & circular economy
  • Joensuu Science Park Ltd: Hub for green innovations
  • Familiarising with the Game incubator & Virtual forest
  • Factory visits (e.g John Deere Forestry, Enocell/StoraEnso, Metsä Group)
  • A field trip introducing the family forestry, mechanised harvesting & nature conservation

4. The city of Forest & Photonics

Joensuu is the Photonics hub in Finland

  • A visit program designed for students and professionals of the field
  • The course introduces the theme of photonics as a key enabling technology
  • The research, services and innovations in the city of Forest & Photonics
  • Societal  impact through Open science
  • Innovation procurement in the city of Joensuu
  • Mapping the potential areas for cooperation: joint research projects, technology transfer, expert exchange and other transfer of knowledge.
  • Annual Forest & Photonics- event brings together businesses, academia and developers to share new technological solutions, challenges and opportunities in the fields of photonics and forestry.
  • Read more about the event Forest & Photonics 2017

5. Sustainable Forestry in Finland

Enhance your methods in boreal forestry

  • The training program is designed for experts of the field
  • This intensive training gives a practical perspective into Finnish forestry.
  • After the training the participants are able to implement the methods of boreal forestry in their own work.
  • The training contains plenty of practical experiences in the field.
  • Read more from the webpage of Karelia UAS

6. Decentralised Energy Solutions

Procurement of Heating Solution

  • The course is designed for experts of the field
  • A heating supply process in urban municipalities is a wide multi-step process typically involving representatives of several different groups of actors
  • An aim is that the thermal solution is realised in a cost-effective manner and with good quality
  • The course introduces to the phases of planning and procurement procedure
  • Karelia UAS experts will guide, and help you to find the best possible solution for your needs
  • Read more from the webpage of Karelia UAS

7. Wood Construction Tour

Fascinating world of wood constuction from theory to practise

  • The program is designed for experts on wood construction, wooden structures and timber products
  • A purpose is to familiarise with the Finnish main organisations and research groups linked to wood construction and energy efficiency (buildings and housing sector)
  • A visitor gets an overview of the research resources and key research topics linked to wood construction and energy efficiency in Finland
  • The successful Finnish solutions for wood construction (including examples of wooden buildings, residential areas etc.) is presented
  • Also, an overview of key strengths and challenges in Finland is offered
  • Visitors familiarise with the iconic wooden buildings: Metla House, Joensuu Arena and Elli Lighthouse
  • The program aims is to give a corresponding overview of resources, strengths and challenges in the visitor’s home region
  • There’s a possibility to map the potential areas for cooperation: joint research projects, technology transfer, expert exchange and other transfer of knowledge.

8. Developing an earthquake safe housing concept

Sustainable, effective, easy and affordable living

  • Finnish wood construction methods combined to international knowledge and needs:
    • A housing concept based on log construction
  • Wood construction has a long tradition in Finland.
  • New housing prototypes have been developed to fulfill the requirement of fast construction.
  • For instance, in earthquake situations buildings have often been destroyed. The way how the buildings are made is one of the key issues to diminish disaster.
  • Catastrophes have proved us that log constructions have qualities that can resist natural disasters.
  • Wood as a material for log houses offers the safe and sustainable option to promote the modern living.
  • The raw material can be used from sustainable management forests.
  • The sustainable development and fight against climate change can be promoted, as well.
  • As a result of this housing concept is a basic house that can be expanded to a larger total area if needed.
  • To build the house does not need special machines but all the work can be made by manpower.
  • The concept has been created in the project of Karelia UAS.

9. Forest-Based Bioeconomy

Get inspired by the quality programme of Young Leadership 

  • The programme is designed for professionals of the field
  • What does bioeconomy offer for long-term strategic cooperation?
  • The programme introduces several current key themes and concepts:
  • Concept of bioeconomy: background, history & current situation
  • Innovating for green growth: a bioeconomy for Europe
  • Forests in bioeconomy: issues at stake
  • Global forest resources in a changing world: trends, challenges and opportunities
  • European forest under climate change: challenges for forest management in bioeconomy
  • Future of the European forest-based sector
  • Sustainable forest management as a basis for bioeconomy development
  • The emerging forest-based bioeconomy: drivers, trends markets and products
  • Rethinking the role of the forest-based sector services
  • Forest-based bioeconomy in practice – examples from North-Karelia
  • Foresight as strategic tool: building futures for the forest based bioeconomy through a practical exercise
  • Foresight as a tool for strategic thinking and action
  • Innovation, leadership and managing of innovation talent
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