
Education for classroom & subject teachers

Welcome to the inspiring world of basic education!

On this page we introduce two popular, and highly significant teaching professions. Class teachers work in the basic education classes 1.-6., with pupils aged 7-13, teaching a wide range of topics. The role of subject teacher is usually to teach a couple of subjects that the teacher has spesialised into. Most of subject teachers work with students older than 13 years. However, there are subject teachers working also in the first grades of a primary school.

Finland University organises Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, consultation, short courses and development projects in teacher education for international public and private partners together with its member universities. Learn more from the webpage of Finland University.

Class teacher

The primary school teacher that works daily as the closest person for the whole classroom of pupils.

  • Class teachers work with pupils in grades 1-6. A class teacher’s role is to arrange the daily routines and most of the pedagogical activities for the whole class according to the curriculum.
  • The class teacher may even teach all the subjects taught in primary school. However, in most of the primary schools there are subject teachers for example for foreign language and handcraft studies.
  • In class teacher training in university, a student’s major is pedagogy. A theoretical base is formed by educational and pedagogical studies (60 credits) which provide students with the general pedagogical skills to work as teachers.
  • In a large thesis work of the Master’s degree, students develop their strong academic background and an investigative approach to the teaching profession. In addition to the theoretical studies, the teacher education includes several practice periods in schools.
  • The teacher training includes minor studies of subjects included in the National Core Curriculum for basic education (60 credits). Students may also choose either two 25-credit study modules or one 60-credit study module for their minor subject.
  • By choosing a 60-credit minor in a basic education subject to be taught, the student can also serve as a subject teacher in that subject for basic education in grades 1-9.
  • Read more about teacher education from the UEF’s webpage

Subject teacher

The expert of a subject or two

  • A subject teacher works as an expert of some curriculum subjects.
  • The subject teacher might work in a basic education or in an upper secondary level, but also, in vocational and general education institutions.
  • In basic education, class teachers teach most of the subjects during the grades 1-6- However, music, foreign languages and handcrafts are often taught by subject teachers.
  • During grades 7-9, usually all the subjects are taught by subject teachers that hold the special expertise about the topic.
  • In order to have the qualified profession of a subject teacher, the teacher must have a Master’s degree.
  • The subject teacher degree programme combines of wide major subject studies, and a teacher’s pedagogical studies (60 credits).
  • Through the main subject studies, student is gaining an in-depth knowledge of the subjects to be taught with diverse pedagogical knowledge.
  • In most cases, a graduating teacher is qualified to teach two or three subjects, which ensures finding an excellent position.
  • In the University of Eastern Finland, it is also possible for subject teachers to apply to study subjects to be taught in basic education and cross-curricular theme studies (60 credits), thus allowing the teacher to also serve as a class teacher.
  • Read more about the subject teacher’s pedagogical studies from the webpage of UEF

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