Insight to the Finnish teacherhood

Iranian education experts visiting Finland

Iranian educational professionals left home with satisfaction

“Finland is up to her reputation”

A group of Iranian private school principals and teachers visited the Joensuu-based training organisations in May 2018. The programme of the visit was arranged by a local educational expert, Hannu Naumanen (CEO of the educational company EduVirma), in cooperation with the founder of the ENO programme, Mika Vanhanen.

The group of Iranian experts visiting Joensuu. Hannu Naumanen, CEO of EduVirma, at the front in a blue shirt.


”Thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality, and for all the great people and places you introduced to us. — It was a great chance for me to share ideas — I learned a lot from conversations –about modern educational topics. I hope we can meet again sometime in near future.”

“…I’ll be back with my family”

– EduVirma’s Iranian courseparticipants

At the Joensuu Science Park Ltd, Finland


Visiting brings out perceptions

The biggest interest of the Iranian visitors was on teacher training and its best practices

This pilot visit with the Iranians aimed to open up new knowledge transfer opportunities and links between the Finnish and Iranian training actors. The group visited local schools and the University of Eastern Finland.

At the Joensuu Science Park Ltd, the group was briefed about its activities and about the network of Global Education Park Finland. The introduction to the education network in the Joensuu Region helped the Iranian experts to understand the training ecosystem. Mika Vanhanen from the ENO Programme told about the ENO Environment online.


Visiting SciFest 

The group also visited the annual science festival “SciFest” event in Joensuu. SciFest is the biggest science and technology festival in Finland The quality science festival truly delighted the Iranian visitors. After the visit, they informed the organisers that they are planning to arrange an Iranian group workshop for the next year’s SciFest.


Exploring the schools

During school visits, the pedagogical focus of the Iranians was attached to the external framework of the schools, the learning environment, the teamwork of the students and the participatory activities. The design of the curriculum was seen to increase students’ self-esteem, interaction, trust and appreciation for school. Also, the support of pupils with learning problems and guidance methods were of interest to the Iranians.

In Finland, the school’s curriculum focuses on the needs of the individual students, which visitors considered to be a positive thing. On the other hand, the silence and tranquility of schools and, for example, cultural differences in the interaction between pupils and teachers differed from Iranian practices.

The Iranian educational experts’ visit to Joensuu was found to be so successful that visitors have a strong desire to continue cooperation. The next Iranian study group is coming to Joensuu in September 2018.


The summary of the visit highlights

The Iranian delegation produced an article about the visit to Intelligence Connections. Read the whole article here.

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